27th February 2025
Wolverhampton Business
Thursday, 27 February 2025 - 24 minutes
Guests in this podcast are Sarah Moorhouse, Helen Griffiths and Dominic Murphy.
Sarah Moorhouse is the Chief Executive of the Black Country Chamber of Commerce and has just been appointed to the Growth Task Force set up by the Mayor of the West Midlands, Richard Parker.
If you want to have your say for the Quarterly Economic Survey for quarter one, go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BCCCQESQ125
Here’s a link to bookings for the West Midlands Business Festival
Here’s the links to the events mentioned in the show
Helen Griffiths, Cluster Manager at Jennings Funeral Directors, explains how they support people at the most painful times of their lives.
Dominic Murphy of GTG Training and Development explains how they support people on their next stage of their employment journey and open up new opportunities.
If you're a business in or around Wolverhampton and would like to be featured on the show and podcast, email presenter Chris Allen via chris@wcrfm.com - or call or message on 077 2000 1018.